SARPI (Society for the Advancement of the Rural People of India) is an NGO registered in Mumbai, India under the Societies Registration Act 1860. It was established in 1978 bearing the registration number 215/78 G, B, B, S, D. Since its inception, SARPI has been focusing on creating self-reliance and dignity of life among the people. It is working especially with women and children who are socially, literally and economically marginalized.
SARPI is involved in facilitating the socio-economic development of the poor and the marginalized irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
SARPI believes that there is an inherent power in every human being and strives to awaken this power and make people act to improve their living conditions through their own initiatives and efforts.
SARPI is committed to gender equality and women’s dignity and cultivates this consciousness in all its projects.
SARPI believes that each person is endowed with dignity, worth, respect and capacity for growth.
SARPI tries to inculcate in people that they themselves are “Agents of Change”. It tries to involve people in the development process by giving them the opportunity in shaping their own destiny and not just as passive recipients of development programs. When people, individually or in groups recognize themselves as agents, they define their priorities and also choose the suitable means to achieve them.
SARPI strives for a just and empowered society in which each person moves to be empowered and self-reliant, where human dignity, equal rights and equal opportunities are enjoyed by all.
SARPI believes that empowerment is a process where people gain an understanding of and control over social, economic and political forces in order to improve their standard in the society. It is a process of building “power within” to improve people’s ability, to control resources and make decisions.
See Also: SARPI Core Activities